Ladies Dress Code 

Ladies must wear knee-length party dress with a minimum one-inch wide shoulder coverage.  White gloves, closed toe shoes with a maximum one-inch heel.

Gloves are available for purchase at check-in.

Floor length party dress, tights, closed toe dress shoes (preferred), opera or short gloves.

Ladies must wear knee-length dress with a minimum one inch shoulder coverage.  No tennis shoes, please.

No gloves necessary.

The benefit of having a dress code

As you may have noticed California takes a very relaxed position on dress code, but the rest of the world subscribes to a more strict standard.  As the saying goes, "you only have one chance to make a first impression", so the visual cues you offer can be critical.  In fact, 70% of people's impressions come from the first 5 seconds, which can only mean they are reading the visual cues provided.  

Because "doing is knowing" we offer an opportunity to dress in cotillion, formal,  and casual attire at different sessions during the year.  

Content versus context

There is one more benefit, wearing specific clothes for an event changes one's perspective and in some cases behavior.  It is a cue to use a certain set of behaviors outside our daily routine and habits.  Our job is to encourage the adoption of good habits so the context of any situation is seamlessly adopted allowing for the content of a robust conversation to be the focus.